Reducing Emissions to Create 3.7 million Jobs
Green News November 1st, 2010Monday, 20 September 2010 11:32
The Australian Conservation Foundation and ACTU have released a report called Creating Jobs – Cutting Pollution that concludes that Australia can create 3.7 million jobs across Australia by taking strong action now to reduce carbon emissions.
The report calls for a price on carbon, investment in renewable energy, in public transport and more efficient vehicle fleets, and a national energy efficiency strategy for both commercial and residential buildings.
Last month Melbourne-based research organisation Beyond Zero Emissions published a study showing Australia could, if we chose, make the switch to 100 per cent renewable energy by 2020 using existing solar, wind and biofuel technology.
These are just the latest in a flurry of studies showing that we can move to a low-carbon, clean tech future. All that is needed now is some political leadership.
Source: Eco Directory Blog.